why i built this
i made this site using next.js
one afternoon because i was bored waiting for my visa and unable to do any actual work and i wanted to stop myself from spending money at coffee shops for a day. i failed and ran out for coffee at 3 anyway because next.js
was actually pretty easy to get working.
i've always been somewhat averse to the idea of having a personal website. it's long struck me as too self-important for someone as unfocused as i am. i'm not sure i'll share this with anyone other than a few close friends but i've been inspired by my friend salonee's newsletter and thought it would be cool to have a place to warehouse my own thoughts even if nobody is reading them (i haven't implemented RSS or anything that would actually let folks know if i ever post here).
for now i'm thinking of this as a semi-public journal. will see where it goes.